We received your order!

We'll hold your payment for 72 hours. This will only be charged you if the influencer approves your request.

We received your order!

We'll hold your payment for 72 hours. This will only be charged you if the influencer approves your request.

Let’s get started on your order!

We'll pass this on to the Creator to kickstart work on your order.

Please provide a valid order ID using the "wcf-order" parameter in the URL.
Click here for sample template

Sample Requirement Template

Brand Name: [Your Brand Name]
Date: [Date]

Campaign Details:
Campaign Name: [Name of the Campaign]
Campaign Objective: [Specify the goal of the campaign, e.g., brand awareness, product promotion, etc.]
Campaign Description: [Briefly describe the campaign and its key aspects]

Offer/Order Details:
Offer Type: [Specify whether this is a product promotion, sponsored content, giveaway, etc.]
Content Format: [Specify the type of content required, e.g., Instagram post, YouTube video, blog post, etc.]
Content Theme/Topic: [Describe the theme or topic the content should focus on]
Content Guidelines: [Provide specific guidelines for the content, including tone, style, branding elements, etc.]
Hashtags/Captions: [Specify any required hashtags or captions]
Visual Assets: [Attach any necessary images, logos, product photos, etc.]
Product/Service Details [Provide information about the product or service being promoted]

Posting Schedule:
Posting Date: [Specify the preferred posting date]
Posting Time: [Specify the preferred posting time]

Offered Payment: [Specify the agreed-upon payment or compensation]
Payment Method: [Indicate the payment method, e.g., PayPal, bank transfer, etc.]
Payment Schedule: [Specify when and how the payment will be made]

Additional Notes:
- [Any additional instructions, expectations, or relevant information]

Please review the provided information and let us know if you have any questions or if any adjustments are needed.
We value your collaboration and look forward to a successful partnership!

Kind regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Contact Information]


Remember to customize this template according to your brand's specific needs and the influencer platform you're using.
Clear communication and detailed requirements will help ensure a smooth collaboration with the influencer.

Order details
Please provide a valid order ID using the "order_id" or "wcf-order" parameter in the URL.

Order ID not provided in the URL.

Order Details

Please provide a valid order ID using the "order_id" or "wcf-order" parameter in the URL.

Order ID not provided in the URL.

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